Let’s put stress in (a different) perspective

Stress has a bad image. Nonetheless: stress can be (potentially) so cool! That is why we approach stress differently, enlighten you to embrace stress. In a healthy way, that is.

The School of Stress is the brand new initiative from stress sociologist Suzan Kuijsten. Known as one of the most requested Dutch experts in stress management and leadership.

Our mission

One million people
smarter about stress

Smarter about stress Our training programs

Our business courses are for anyone who wants to become smarter in stress management. Both teams and individuals will profit from our classes, especially if you are a manager, HR professional, or business coach.


The School of Stress offers training programs tailored to various professional groups with their own unique challenges in stress management. In our educational programs you will experience our own successful approach on stress.


Using our methodology and perspective to enhance professionals’ stress management skills, our clients appreciate the lighthearted and humorous way in which deep insights are presented. All this stress knowledge is offered in day programs, in company training and year round courses.

More information

Do you want to know how we can get you (r employees) smarter in stress?

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Our teachers

A team of stress experts is at your service, get to know our top teachers.

Ingmar Creutzburg

Creator & Activator

Judith Warmerdam


Carolien Hamming

Directeur CSR

Tanja de Swart

Vitaal- en leefstijlcoach

Sigrid Fiering


Suzan Kuijsten


Gregory Sedoc

Olympisch atleet

Lucas Defares


Fransesco Wessels

Teambaas Team NL

Michael Kortekaas

Spreker leiderschap

Suzanne van Dokkum

Psychosociaal Therapeut

Baafke Ooms


Pieter Wijtenburg

Career en burn-out coach

Gerda Vrielink


Irma Vermeend

Hoofd communicatie UU

Mei An Phao


Jorgen Bod

HR Manager Jumbo

Our customers

You will meet our Stress Masters at (to name a few):

logo van ANWBlogo van A.S.R. verzekeringenlogo van GGDlogo van Hogeschool van Amsterdamlogo van Jumbologo van Kentalislogo van LVNLlogo van Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelatieslogo van Nederlandse Beroepsorganisatie van Accountantslogo van Nyenrodelogo van Politielogo van Provincie Utrechtlogo van Pumalogo van UMCGlogo van VIVATlogo van Wendylogo van Wolters Kluwerlogo van Yokogawalogo van ASMLlogo van IKEA